FFF West Kootenay's would love to have your support in one way or another. Read through the options below to figure out where you fit in. 


Many local businesses have taken a look at their operations through a climate lens and we love the steps people have made towards changing our local systems. On strike days we often ask businesses to close their doors or allow their staff to attend the strikes as well as hang posters. There were almost 30 of you on September 20th, 2019 that closed in support and marched with us. If you're more interested in ways to support our team we'd love to connect with you, send us an email by clicking the button below.



You yourself are part of a generation of change, we highly encourage that each and every student try to strike even in these trying times of COVID-19. As always we are hoping to expand our team and take in new members up to the age of 30 to help us organize and produce youth lead events and initiatives.



Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Everyone has the power to enact change, it's just about finding where you fit. Most of the adult support we need is either day of strike volunteers and postering/outreach support. Reach out through our website, our Facebook, or send us an email if you're interested in supporting local youth climate activism.



Our organization always appreciates the generosity of our community. Collecting donations is not our priority but if you want to make a contribution to a specific project get in touch to donate hit the donate button below. Then send us an email to dedicat what project its for.

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